Proposed Changes to Connecticut's Stormwater Regulations

The State of Connecticut has issued a tentative notice of intent to update the permit requirements for the Discharge of Stormwater Associated with Industrial Activities. If your marina or yacht club facility’s operations include power washing, hull maintenance, sand blasting, painting, and/or engine maintenance, repair, or winterizing and stormwater at your facility is discharged by point source to waters of the State, you will need to be in compliance with this permit.
Background: Administered by the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (“DEEP”), the proposed general permit, if issued as drafted, will require registration for new and existing permittees and the development and implementation of a site-specific Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (“SWPPP”).
In 1992, DEEP first issued stormwater discharge permitting requirements; updates have been reissued, most recently on October 1, 2021. The newly proposed updates include significant changes to the general permit, such as clarifications on stormwater and non-stormwater discharge authorizations and prohibitions, additional sector-specific definitions, additional stormwater control measures, best management practices, increased monitoring requirements, new corrective actions, new electronic reporting, a new online non-compliance notification reporting tool, recommendations for resiliency measures, and annual report filing.
RACE is up to speed on the registration, monitoring, and procedural requirements of this soon to be finalized permit authorization, and how it may impact your facility. Feel free to reach out with any specific questions pertaining to this matter or to discuss how RACE can be of any assistance in addressing your specific facility stormwater compliance needs.
Posted on February 3, 2025