Dredging Planned for Federal Navigation Channel
in Branford, Connecticut

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) New England District issued a notice of the plan to perform maintenance dredging of the Stony Creek Harbor Federal Navigation Project (FNP) in Branford, CT late fall/winter of 2025/ 2026.
The waterway is heavily utilized by recreational craft, emergency, fishing, and charter vessels, and is the primary access channel for ferry boat and marine contractor use between mainland Branford, and the Thimble Islands located just offshore.
“The purpose of this work is to restore the Stony Creek Harbor FNP to its authorized dimensions and provide safe navigation conditions to all vessels using the harbor. Recent hydrographic surveys indicate that the channel and maneuvering basin have shoaled significantly, especially in the northern end of the project where depths are reduced to 2 feet MLLW,” per USACE’s public notice.
The last time the Channel was dredged was in 1995. The project provides for 6’ depth at Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW).
Posted February 3, 2025