Project Spotlight: Branford Point Wharf & Seawall Repair

RACE was retained by the Town of Branford, Connecticut to design and permit repairs to their historic public wharf on Branford Point. The site has historically operated as a public dock and boat landing since the late 1800s/early 1900s. Originally consisting of only a granite stone seawall, a timber wharf was constructed at the property in the mid-1900s to bolster and support growing maritime interests. Located at the Foot of Harbor Street, and at the mouth of the Branford River, the nominal 20-ft wide by 100-ft long timber-pile supported wharf is actively used by the public for fishing, swimming, boating, and overall passive enjoyment of Branford Harbor. The site is further a focal point for the Town’s annual 4th of July fireworks celebrations.
Construction of the project was funded primarily through a Small Harbor Improvement Projects Program (SHIPP) grant secured by the Town’s Engineering Department. Managed by the Connecticut Port Authority, the SHIPP’s objective is to improve the State’s shallow draft ports and harbors.
At project onset, RACE was contracted to identify structural damages and deterioration as related to the existing stone seawall, timber framing, and pile foundations, as well as develop recommended repairs and estimate the cost to complete the rehabilitations. Given the condition of the existing pile foundations, and complexities in accessing the seawall, a decision was made to reconstruct the timber wharf in its entirety and make ancillary repairs to the stone seawall.
Preliminary design and State and Federal permit applications for the rehabilitations were started in 2019. Upon issuance of permits, RACE prepared final design and construction documents, and assisted the Town through bidding and construction phases. Given the shallow bedrock conditions, and limited available overburden for lateral pile support, the wharf redesign incorporated new design elements including the use of rock tie-down anchors for hold down strength against the 100-year design flood conditions.
Construction work was phased over multiple years to address most immediate repair needs first, including reconstruction of a partially collapsed portion of seawall, and the Westernmost portion of the Wharf in 2021/2022 by Loureiro Contractors. With receipt of the grant funding, remaining wharf rehabilitations were able to be completed this past fall in 2024 by Fischer Excavating.
RACE was proud to be part of the team which contributed to this historic rehabilitation, which should remain a fixture on Branford Harbor for years to come.
Posted February 3, 2025