2022 Connecticut Climate Resilience Funds Available
Connecticut's New Grant Program Assists Communities with Strengthening Resilience to Climate Change
Managed by the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP), the Climate Resilience Fund is aimed at promoting nature based solutions/living shorelines that reduce flooding and erosion risks. Eligible applicants include municipalities, councils of government, non-profit organizations, academic Institutions, and private sector entities.
A total of $10 million in state bond funding will be available in this first round. At least 40% of the funding will be prioritized for vulnerable communities, including environmental justice communities that will feel the effects of climate change first and worst.
The DEEP Climate Resilience Fund creates two funding opportunity tracks:
Track 1 – Planning: Will provide funding for comprehensive climate resilience planning at either the regional, municipal, or neighborhood (hyper-local) level. Planning phase includes up to $250K per project. Applications due 11/10/2022.
Track 2 – Project Development: Will provide funding to advance identified resilience projects to the concept stage and to be ready to apply for federal funding for implementation. Funding ranges between $300K and $700K. Applications due 12/1/2022
Please let us know if we can be of assistance - RACE maintains experience and expertise related to federal and state funding applications.
Posted September 27, 2022