Boating Infrastructure Grants (BIG) Available

Transient Docks at the City of Norwalk’s Veterans Memorial Park were funded by a Connecticut Boating Infrastructure Grant
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has issued a Notice of Funding Opportunity for Boating Infrastructure Grants (BIG) for 2024 state grants. The BIG Program offers public and private marinas and other facilities funds for creation or renovation of transient facilities for recreational boats 26' or larger. There are multiple goals for the grants, all in the spirit of improving waterfront access and our coastal economy.
Levels of Funding
There are two levels of funding available - Tier 1 is at the state level and additional funds are available at the national Tier 2 level. Proposals and applications are submitted through state agencies.
The State of Connecticut has issued an RFP for Funding the Creation or Renovation of Tie-up Facilities for Transient Recreational Boats 26’ or Larger.
Questions are Due July 8, 2024
Proposals are Due July 29, 2024
The State of New York’s application deadline is August 22, 2024.
The State of Rhode Island’s submission deadline is September 4, 2024.​
What types of projects can be funded?
Mooring buoys
Navigational aids (channel markers, buoys, directional information)
Transient slips (slips that boaters with recreational vessels occupy for no more than 15 consecutive days)
Safe harbors for transients
Floating docks and fixed piers
Floating and fixed breakwaters
Dinghy docks
Restrooms and showers
Retaining walls
Dockside utilities
Recycling and trash receptacles
Dockside electric service
Dockside water supplies
Dockside pay telephones
Debris deflection booms
Marine fueling stations
All facilities constructed under this program must be:
Secure and safe with service available
Designed and constructed such that each capital improvement component of the project has an identified useful life, and that useful life has been determined by using a generally accepted method which is referenced in the application. In general, facilities with a longer useful life will be more competitive.
Used by transient boaters (boaters not at their home port and staying not more than 15 consecutive days)
Designed to accommodate boats 26' in length or greater
In boating access waters at least 6 feet deep (at low water)*
On designated navigable waters
Within two miles of a public pumpout
Open to the public
In compliance with the American’s with Disabilities Act
Used for the original stated grant purpose throughout the useful life of the project
Maintained throughout their useful life
*water depth less than 6’ at MLW may be allowed if an applicant demonstrates that the project can still serve the typical boater at that location.
“One of the key criteria of how applications are ranked is that the application conveys why the boaters need this project,” advises Bill Perry, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service’s BIG Coordinator.
Facilities that participate in the program must allow the feature(s) constructed under the BIG Program to be open to any eligible users along with other existing basic features of the facility such as fuel, pumpouts, and restrooms. Access to other nonessential features of the facility is not required. Reasonable rates (prevailing rates in the area) must be charged to boaters for transient mooring facilities constructed under the BIG Program.
Projects are ineligible for funding if the proposed activities include:
Activities or construction that does not provide a benefit to eligible users
Law enforcement patrols
Law enforcement activities against the applicant (i.e. un-permitted structures)
Law enforcement violations (i.e. operations without permits)
Degradation of valuable natural resources or cultural or historic nature of the area
Installation or maintenance of pumpout facilities or vessels
Land Acquisition
Construction, renovation or maintenance of shops, stores, food service or other retail businesses, lodging, facility administration or management
Construction, renovation or maintenance of facilities for boat transportation, storage, repair or other services
Purchase or operation of service boats to transport boaters to and from mooring areas
Marketing activities that do not focus on BIG or BIG-funded facility
Purchase of supplies or other expendable personal property not directly related to achieving the project objectives
Routine, custodial and/or janitorial maintenance activities (those that occur regularly on an annual or more frequent basis)
Construction or maintenance of facilities designed for trailerable boats
Construction of slips for long term rental (more than 15 days)
Dry land storage or haul out facilities
Any other activities that are inconsistent with the purposes of BIG or that are inconsistent with Federal Cost Principles
​​Please let us know if we can be of assistance - RACE maintains experience and expertise related to BIG applications.