Azure Dee Sleicher Earns Professional
Floodplain Management Certification

RACE’s Vice President of Coastal Engineering and Partner Azure Dee Sleicher, P.E., WEDG®, CFM, has recently earned Certified Floodplain Manager Certification (CFM) from the Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM).
CFM certification is a national program overseen by the ASFPM. CFM’s serve as local advisors who promote safe floodplain development, assist communities with the National Flood Insurance Program requirements, reduce community liability through mitigation, and aid in public outreach and understanding of FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps.
Ms. Sleicher has nearly 25 years of specialized experience in coastal modeling analysis, flood hazard mapping, risk assessment, regulatory compliance, waterfront planning and resilient design of coastal structures and shorelines. Currently serving as Vice Chair of the Connecticut Association of Flood Managers’ Board of Directors, Ms. Sleicher is also credentialed in Waterfront Edge Design Guidelines (WEDG®) by the Waterfront Alliance – a New York City-based organization focused on effecting resilient, revitalized and accessible coastlines.
“As a coastal engineer, I have been actively engaged in flood zone identification and mapping standards of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) for decades. Through my studies and advanced training for the CFM, I am pleased to have increased my knowledge in the other aspects of the NFIP including overall floodplain management, insurance and mitigation programs,” said Sleicher. “Since retreat is not always an option, I am excited for the opportunity to further assist our clients and the community with the unique challenges associated with safe development in the flood zone.”